

一个2021十大正规彩票app经纪人列出了一个从井里取水的房子. 据上市代理介绍, the seller claimed that the well produced an adequate water supply and had no problems with water quality. The buyer was interested in purchasing the residential property for his family, 但对油井有顾虑.

买方的代理人将这一信息转达给买方. 然而,买方的家庭比卖方的家庭要大得多.

在占有财产之后, the buyer quickly discovered the water production from the well could not support increased consumption from bathing and laundry. 产水量减少了,买家不得不再打一口井.


上市代理以为他知道买家的需求. He failed to consider the size of the buyer’s family and should have recommended the buyer have the well independently tested.

买方对上市代理和卖方提起诉讼. An independent test of the well and the water determined that there was an elevated level of bacteria in the water.

钻了一口新井, 最终,买方以20美元的价格与卖方和代理达成和解,000, 加上律师费.


在基于假设的陈述中, you may be putting yourself at risk for litigation if your representations are perceived as being untruthful at a later time.

If water production tests yield certain gallons per minute, that should be represented. Always recommend the buyer hire an independent source to verify the information, 记录你的2021十大正规彩票app. This will go a long way in removing any perception of deceit and also transfer the risk of litigation to another party. 另外, 一次油井检查可能会导致其他环境危害的发现, 比如地下储罐.

在这种情况下, contaminated water can involve significant expenditure if clean water has to be delivered to maintain the property’s legal occupancy.

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